Monday, December 13, 2010

Shell Drawing III

Shell Drawing III
Practice ink
For our third shell drawing we were instructed to use ink. I feel my drawing came out fairly well, I wasn't sure about the green ink at first, but after working a bit, I liked the bright green drips of the ink. In our group critique people said they liked ink work, they thought it had good variation in shading. Also I had good form and line changes. My long axis however could of been a bit better, but overall I felt that this was my best shell drawing so far. I'm excited to try ink again for my final drawing.


  1. I really like how bold you with your color and color choice. It is a great effect with the running down of the color. I feel like it could have more of a 3-D aspect.

  2. I agree with Beau, the green was a great choice for the color. There are some crevices of the shell that could be pushed further for a larger value scale in the whole drawing to create more depth.

  3. I don't know, I'm glad that you picked such a bright color because I think you made it work really well, I chose purple and it was just all around bad. Maybe for the final shell you could use lighter lines as well as the thick bold ones?

  4. i enjoyed seeing the green shell in person. it seemed to be oozing green stuff off the page!
